

◎ 第13回TOKTOK会開催のお知らせ

講師:元 在パプアニューギニア日本大使館 

   嶋野 進氏 


   懇親会: 1945-(2130終了予定)

場所:東京 虎ノ門 霞山会館 ピオニーレストラン

   6,000円(非会員) 尚、当日会員登録した方は、会員価格でご参加いただけます。



◎ 【K-1】城戸康裕が超弱気発言「戦闘力は2くらい」 (2018.10.23、イーファイト)
『K-1 WORLD GP 2018 JAPAN~第3代スーパー・ライト級王座決定トーナメント~』に出場する、

◎ Age limit put on cars from Japan (2018.10.26、National)


JAPANESE used vehicle dealers must not import used vehicles older than five years
to Papua New Guinea, says Road Traffic Authority (RTA) acting registration
and license manager Wariaka Wilson.

He said this at the Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council (CIMC) workshop
in Port Moresby yesterday.

"We have been facing a lot of accidents happening in the past
because of faulty vehicles," Wilson said.

"Some are broken down on runways causing traffic congestion and long hours of delay
because of its condition."

"Road Traffic Authority will work closely with the National Capital District PMV
and Taxi Association so that proper inspections are carried out
on unworthy vehicles to improve safety, security and convenience."

Wilson said there must be standards set for used vehicles imported from Japan.

On another matter, he said a lot of situations involving motorists in Port Moresby
were because of lack of law-enforcement.

Wilson said there was no control of the Public Motor Vehicle buses with non-completion of routes,
charging more than regulated fares and operating without licenses, among others.

"We have approved 60 buses to operate in the city while the others are illegally operating,"
 he said.
Wilson said a study by UN Women had revealed that 97 per cent of women felt unsafe
while using public transport (PMV)within the city.
"That is embarrassing," he said.
" It's a big task and we are addressing it slowly.
"We will work closely with our regulatory authorities
to develop a well-integrated, safe, affordable, inclusive, financially
and environmentally-sustainable public transport system in the next five years."

◎ Not just a dump (2018.10.26、National)

WHEN the garbage collectors go around collecting rubbish from every household
and in public areas and streets of Port Moresby, they dispose it all at Baruni.

In Port Moresby the rapid population growth due to urban drift
and recent economic boom (due to oil, gas and developments) the levels of waste generated
and its management are becoming a real concern for the government
and it need proper actions to minimise related environmental and health risks.

Port Moresby has about 650,000 population and the figure keeps rising.
The National Capital District Commission (NCDC) through their waste management systems,
 however, has allocated only Baruni as the dumping zone for all waste disposal.

In 2017, Baruni was the biggest dumping zone for all kinds of waste - organic materials,
plastics, cardboards, you name. Nearly 3,000 tonnes of waste
is received daily at the city's landfill.

Baruni was the mountain of rubble and dirt, with thick clouds of dust
and smoke rising from the giant waste dump.
Scavengers wandered around the area picking up whatever could help them survive.

The practice of burning plastic wastes, organic and cardboard materials at the site
has caused a huge pollution to the surrounding environment
that has become a serious health and environmental concern to the public.

During a recent visit to the site with media colleagues and other visitors,
consultant Naoki Takanashi of Goyu Eco Works Corporation Ltd
(a Japanese self-carbonising charcoal maker),
said they have conducted a feasibility survey at the Baruni disposal site in May this year.

"The survey was funded by Japanese International Corporation Agency (Jica)
for realising recycling through waste treatment and carbonisation
by Eco-Tan-Kun (a carbonization plant).
"Eco-Tan-Kun or carbonization plant was introduce and set up at the site in August 2018.

We have succeeded at producing charcoal and vinegar from waste of coconut husks,
coconut shells, cardboard and betel nut skins.
"Eco-Tan-Kun is one of Japanese innovative technology whose basic function is
to convert organic substance or cardboard materials into carbon.

"It is also a stage in the charcoal making process;
 it is considered the most important step of all since it has such power
to influence the whole process from the growing tree
to the final distribution of charcoal to various sources," Takanashi said.

During our site tour he said that carbonisation produced a high content of carbon monoxide
which was poisonous when breathed but the tars and smoke produced
from this carbonisation plant were not directly poisonous.

The Eco-Tan-Kun comprises a 450 litre vertical stainless steel jacketed mixing tank
and weighs about three tonnes.

It burns materials at temperatures ranging from 400 to 600 degrees Celcius,
which ensures complete processing.
From wastes like betel nut skin, coconut husks and shells,
the carbonisation plant produces charcoal and vinegar for agricultural
and domestic purposes.

The investment has brought with it employment opportunities for the surrounding communities
as youths and women residing at the Baruni dump site have been engaged in collecting waste,
assist in processing it as well as providing security.

Consultant Mitsuru Aotsu of Goyu Eco Works said the purpose of this project was to increase investment,
especially in the agriculture sector by producing value-added products using charcoal
 and vinegar which constitute some of the purely organic materials.

He said that the project would also assist government in reducing the cost of managing waste
by keeping our towns and cities clean for the investors to do business
as well as for the benefit of the public.

The National Capital District Commission has thanked Goyu Eco Works and Jica
for the initiative to set up the carbonisation plant in Port Moresby.

 The city government spends millions of kina every year to control and dispose waste.

The commission said this project would help in reducing the cost of managing waste
and also create opportunities for the communities around Baruni.

The Goyu Eco Works revealed that products produced by the Eco-Tan-Kun carbonisation plant
would be sent back to Japan for testing and analysis to determine the success of the project.
The outcome of the tests will see the company going into full production
and export of charcoal and vinegar to Japan in the near future.
Charcoal and vinegar can be used as fertilisers,
sanitisation of bad odor and treating animal diseases.
Investing in such a carbonisation plant can bring the country a lot of benefits.

◎ 世界の政治・経済日程(2018年11月~2019年1月)(2018.10.31、JETRO))

今回のAPECのテーマは、「包摂的な機会の活用 デジタル化された未来の受容」で、

11月8~9日 WTO知的所有権の貿易関連の側面に関する協定(TRIPS)理事会(スイス・ジュネーブ)
11月12~13日 WTO物品貿易理事会(ジュネーブ)
11月13~15日 APECビジネス諮問委員会(パプアニューギニア・ポートモレスビー)
11月15日 APEC閣僚会合(ポートモレスビー)
11月18日 APEC首脳会議(ポートモレスビー)
11月21日 OECD経済見通し発表(フランス・パリ)
11月26~29日 G20財務相代理会合、財務相ワーキング・ディナー(アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレス)
11月30日~12月1日 G20首脳会議(ブエノスアイレス)
12月3~14日 国連気候変動枠組み条約第24回締約国会議(COP24)(ポーランド・カトヴィツェ)
1月22~25日 世界経済フォーラム年次会合(スイス・ダボス)
1月中 IMF、世界経済見通し(World Economic Outlook)発表
1月中 世界銀行、世界経済見通し(Global Economic Prospects)発表

