

◎ 2018年度第2回「日本パプアニューギニア協会関西支部研究会」のお知らせ



・日 時:2019 年3 月9 日(土)15:00~17:00
・場 所:キャンパスプラザ京都6階龍谷大学サテライト教室
・内 容:及川正博 氏(立命館大学)


◎ 第14回TOKTOK会開催のお知らせ


時間: 1830 (受付1800から)
講師: 加原奈穂子先生(故西江雅之先生が師)
講演題目:パプアニューギニアの文化と祭り ~ハダシの学者 西江雅之先生の足跡を中心に~
場所: 霞山会館 (虎ノ門)
会費: 会員の方 3000円(懇親会付き)
    非会員の方 6000円(懇親会月)

講師略歴 岡山県岡山市生まれ。専門は文化人類学・民俗学。

(当日:西江雅之先生 写真集「顔」も購入できます)

◎ 縄田博次席によるブーゲンビル自治州レイタナネハン女性開発機構人材開発センター開所式出席 

センター開所式出席 縄田博次席によるブーゲンビル自治州レイタナネハン女性開発機構|

◎ JAPAN LAUDED FOR THEIR EFFORTS  (2019.2.1,  Post-Courier )

THE Japanese government and its people have been lauded
for making a number of milestone developments for the people of Bougainville.

And one of the most classical examples was the construction of 15 high impact bridges
on mainland Bougainville which has really impacted the lives of the traveling public.

Travelers can now safely travel during rainy days and flooding rivers,
thanks to the Japanese government and its people.

Japanese government and its loving citizens again chipped in with much needed funding
which enabled the construction of a resource centre in the heart of Buka town,
North Bougainville.

The resource centre is for a local not-for-profit organisation,
Bougainville Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency,
headed by the hardworking and vocal woman leader Helen Hakena.

The resource centre will have a great impact and will empower women and girls in Bougainville.

This is all thanks to the government and people of Japan,
New Zealand and the United States of America, who made it possible in funding the project.

The Leitana Nehan's Human Resource Development Centre was officially opened in Buka
earlier this month by the Autonomous Bougainville Government president John Momis,
deputy chief of mission of the Embassy of Japan in Papua New Guinea Hiroshi Nawata
and New Zealands Volunteer Services Abroad representatives Dana MacDiarmid and Michelle Evans.

A sizeable crowd turned up to witness the opening ceremony
with the local bamboo band stealing the show as usual.

Mr Nawata who was very impressed with the warm 'Buka welcome', said
seeing the need to support the important role that Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency
has been playing and working on in Bougainville, the Japan Embassy was introduced
to the organisation by the US Embassy in 2014 for possible funding support.

Through this partnership, the Embassy of Japan provided funding for the construction of the building
while the US Embassy supported Leitana Nehan's activities.

Leitana Nehan's Human Resource Development Centre was funded under Japan's Grant Assistance
for Grassroots Human Security Project at a cost of K202, 318.19 with the shortfall amount
covered by the support of Volunteer Services Abroad (VSA) New Zealand.

Mr Nawata said working in partnership with local institutions,
Japans Grassroots Grant aims to improve the lives of people in the communities by addressing basic human needs
in the areas of primary education, primary health care, basic infrastructure
such as water supply systems and other areas of human resources development.

Leitana Nehan Development Agency coordinator Helen Hakena thanked the Japan, US and New Zealand governments
and their people for their tremendous support to the women and children of Bougainville,
adding that this centre will empower the women and children of Bougainville in the many years to come.

During the opening, an elated president of the Autonomous Bougainville Government,
Grand Chief John Momis thanked the development partners on Bougainville
for their continued support to the region.

Mr Momis made special mention of the governments of Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America
for their continued support to empowering Bougainvillean women on gender issues
during the opening of the Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency's Resource Centre.
He also paid tribute to LNWDA director Helen Hakena for her perseverance
in seeing the project becoming a reality.

"Women played an integral part of the peace process on Bougainville
and continue to do so as we move towards deciding our ultimate political future
through the referendum," Momis said.

"LNWDA has been a beacon of hope and a safe haven for women who suffer from gender-based violence
and marginalisation within society," he said.

Mr Momis said the achievement of peace was through the collaborative effort of women
to muster support throughout the region to ensure there was a cessation of hostilities in Bougainville.

"This resource centre will empower our women and strengthen our foundation in our journey
to self-determination," he added.

"I would like to remind our people and important development partners that Bougainvilleans are trailblazers.
We are a people who may have been reduced to basic humanity but we continue to persevere
because we refuse to throw in the towel."

He added these sorts of projects would ensure that Bougainvilleans receive support and not stray
from their path to self-determination.

Mr Momis expressed his gratitude to the people and governments of Japan, New Zeland and USA
for funding the resource centre and continuing to support Bougainville
as it continues to face funding problems from the national government.

"Our partners have recognised the importance of empowering women on Bougainville
by funding infrastructure development to allow the average Bougainvillean women
to receive help and support," Mr Momis said.
"This is an example of what can be achieved if men and women of good will collaborate with each other
to reach a common goal," he said.

Bernadine, who traveled all the way from Bana in South Bougainville to witness the occasion,
thanked Japan, United States of America and New Zealand for the timely
and most sought after resource centre that will be a great help to the people of Bougainville
especially the womenfolk on the island.
She encouraged the local women to seek assistance at the centre to better the livelihood of their families,
 communities and the region as a whole.
On behalf of the women of Bougainville, Bernadine thanked the donor partners for their vision in seeing the need
to support and empower the people of Bougainville, mostly those who have come out of the conflict
and need such avenues for rehabilitation and counseling.
Leitana Nehan Development Agency is one of the longest serving agencies in Bougainville
that specialises and provides rehabilitation, counseling and other life-long skills especially
for women and girls on Bougainville.
Thank you Japan, thank you USA and thank you New Zealand people and your governments!

◎ パプアニューギニア・フィリピン・硫黄島等で戦没者慰霊事業 (2019.2.4、 アセアンポータル)


「ビスマーク・ソロモン諸島戦没者遺骨収集派遣(第2次)」事業の派遣期間 は、

◎ Bans On Tuna Fishing Devices In The Pacific To Continue (2019.2.8, Post-Courier ) 

A Pacific-wide three-month ban on fish aggregating devices (FADs) has been extended
for another year to allow tuna stocks to continue to revive.

In a warning to other fishing nations, Palau is going ahead
with its ban on all commercial fishing vessels.

Chief executive of the Parties to Nauru Agreement, Ludwig Kumoru, says
levels of bigeye tuna stocks in the Pacific are improving,
but not enough to lift an annual three-month ban on fish aggregating devices (FADs).

FADs allow the fishing industry to know what is swimming beneath the sea miles away
from fishing vessels.

The annual ban was put in place 11 years ago,
after the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission estimated that tuna stocks
 had fallen to about 32 per cent of their pre-industrialised fishing levels.

Skipjack is the most abundant tuna in the western Pacific,
accounting for 70-75 per cent of the catch in the region--followed by yellowfin, bigeye and albacore.

Bigeye stocks in particular became depleted after purse seiner vessels
 started picking up juveniles using FADs.

The annual commission meeting last December confirmed
the ban will continue until at least 2021.

Of the six distant fishing 'nations'--Japan, the US, Taiwan, China, South Korea
and the European Union--only Japan was supportive of continuing the ban.

"Bigeye tuna has been a major concern for the tuna fishery over the last 10 to 15 years
because the stocks declined to a level where we were forced to declare the stock was overfished,"
 Ludwig Kumoru told Business Advantage PNG.

He estimates between 50,000 and 80,000 FADs are deployed in PNA waters annually.

The FADs now have sonar and satellite buoys attached,
and allow fishing companies to estimate where most tuna congregate based on data
from the sonar equipment.

"So, it's gone from a fishing operation, which is hunting, to a farming operation,
where it is like cherry-picking," says Maurice Brownjohn, commercial manager at PNA.

The ban is working, says Kumoru, because bigeye tuna stocks are now at a healthy level.

"Though this advice is a relief for the Pacific tuna nations,
it is too early to rely on this recent advice and hence,
the PNA will not see any conservation measures for bigeye tuna relaxed,
including the seasonal ban on FADs"'

The FAD ban applies to purse seiners in the Pacific countries' exclusive economic zones
 and high seas areas from July 1 to September 30,
and an additional two-month prohibition on FAD use on the high seas.

In a warning to the international fishing industry to take the sustainability concerns of Pacific nations
 more seriously, Palau has banned all commercial fishing vessels from its tropical waters.

The aim is to create a marine reserve measuring more than 500,000 square kms of ocean,
an area slightly smaller than France.
The ban comes into force once current fishing contracts with Japan,
Taiwan, and some private companies, expire..
